Wedding Photography

Denair, California Wedding: Love, Family & Friends

June 19, 2024

Groom dipping his bride with a romantic kiss in Denair, CA

What happens when family and friends come together . . .

This week I’m working on my Hawaii website, pulling photos together from my years as a Fiji wedding & portrait photographer as well as more recent Hawaii photo shoots since I’ve relocated to Kona this year. My niche is definitely tropical, and this new website will be primarily focused on this, as I seek to build a new audience for Hawaii weddings & portraits.

If I listen to SEO advice, I should probably only post Hawaii weddings on this website. HOWEVER, I just can’t help but share this story!

It started back when my mother was in college. She and her roommates never lost touch. Instead, they formed the “roommate gang,” a group of moms/wives who grabbed their husbands/kids and got together multiple times a year. Growing up in the 70’s/80’s in California, I absolutely loved the times we’d all hang out, from dairy farms to waterskiing to mountain cabins. These are some of my most cherished childhood memories.

Two of the “roommate gang kids” married each other: Brad and Susan. They headed out to Sentani, Papua (Indonesia) where Brad serves as a jungle pilot. If you know me, you know that I fell in love with my husband Ray in Sentani (who grew up there) and that our daughter Eden graduated from Hillcrest International School (the school that Ray’s dad helped to start). It’s a place that is close to our hearts.

Brad and Susan’s daughter Amber isn’t someone that I had met more than momentarily when she was just a child, but when she and Devin contacted me about potentially flying out to photograph their wedding, I couldn’t say no! There were just too many amazing connections (and flying out for the wedding meant I’d get to see old friends as well!). They decided to get married in Denair, California, a place that is close to family (and near places that I’d grown up visiting).

As I snapped photos throughout the weekend, I was struck by just how special this wedding was, not just because of my own personal connections, but because of the connections between Amber and Devin and their friends as well. At the rehearsal dinner, the night before, friends took turns speaking about their friendships with Amber and Devin. I was so impressed with the quality of advice, affirmation, and respect between all of these young people. I found myself praying that my kids would have this kind of friend group one day. It also spoke so much to the strength of character of Amber and Devin themselves.

The other thing that stood out to me was the way that family and friends stepped up to help with different parts of the wedding, from the venue to the catering to the decorations. It was all absolutely beautiful, but more than mere appearance was the heart and love behind each detail.

Enough words, have a look at the beauty of the day in pictures!

Amber and Devin, congratulations to you both and I pray that you continue to bless and be blessed by the family, friends and people around you.  ~ Laura


*Wedding Planner: Sarah from Teal Crown Events

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Capturing beauty and connecting with people brings me joy. A camera lets me do both!

I picked up a camera and the rest is history. I fell in love. The art of photography, the ability to connect with people, and the chance to do what I adore all inspire me. You can feel it when you're with me. Photography has been such a blessing in my life, and I want to pass that blessing on to you.


© laura pittman, 2024